Sunday, May 31, 2009

Heads Will Roll

Listening to: Lucid Dreams by Franz Ferdinand from Tonight.

I saw this clip for the first time this morning and I couldn't take my eyes off it. I like the homage to MJ with an edge and especially the use of red confetti. It's a really catchy tune as well. I shall have to check out more of the YYYs because I liked the last clip* of theirs I saw on TV and am unsure as to how much of their stuff I have actually already heard!

I'm loving...
...Franz Ferdinand's Lucid Dreams from Tonight.
The outstanding, punchy, bass heavy synth arrangement, particularly in the instrumental at the end of the album track really does it for me. I found a live version on You Tube but it lacks the synth [pout]...

...Ladytron's Runaway from Velocifero
Quite a contrast to the YYYs' clip for its lack of colour. It's funny how geometric black lines can still resemble the slow flow of blood.

*Zero which is also from It's Blitz!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Listening to: Runaway, by Ladytron from Velocifero


Madagascan, mouse lemur found on the National Geographic blog.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Chapter XI, The Nuptials of Plants: an extract*

Listening to: Night on Fire, by VHS or Beta, from Night on Fire

In this chapter Pouchet mentions the poem 'Loves of the Plants' by Darwin. The accompanying extract presented here is certainly as flowery as any poetry. I wasn't aware Charles Darwin wrote poetry but it turns out it was by Erasmus Darwin, his grandfather. It's interesting that Pouchet doesn't use E. Darwin's first name at all, given that The Origin of the Species was published in 1859 and that this is a natural history text ie. context could suggest either. Or perhaps I'm just a tad ignorant because I'm a layperson and this book was aimed at scientists? If so, the following is stranger still.

'It is for them that nature displays her most sumptuous adornments. The velvety curtains of their virgin couch, woven by the hands of fairies, steep them in light and fire amidst their folds of purple and sapphire. In one part, faithless husbands profusely scatter life and fecundity on everything around them; in another chaste households live retired, and jealous brides conceal their lovers beneath domes of azure and gold.

The delicate envelopes which attract our regards represent only the ephemeral and perfumed palace in which the mysteries of the Hymen [sic] are about to be accomplished. But so soon as the golden dust of the stamens is spread upon the altar, the odorous sources dry up, the veils of the temple fade and wither, and the marvellous edifice soon lies scattered on the ground, whilst the now fruitful mother silently nourishes her precious offspring.

All flowers do not exhibit such luxury in these organs. Generally they possess two protecting envelopes, and contain, at the same time, ardent husbands and tender wives.'

*Extract from Chapter XI, The Nuptials of Plants (The Universe or The Wonders of Creation; the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little. By F.A. Pouchet, M.D.*, 7th edition, pub. H. Hallet and Company, copyright 1882...)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quaint antique clippings from Melbourne

Listening to: Coloured Bedspread, by Annie Lennox, from Songs of Mass Destruction

In a hat on a hat.

For a 'roo by 'roos

Images from the Australian periodical, The Traveller. 'Registered for transmission as a newspaper' - presumably in Victoria going by the advertisements for Victorian businesses, particularly ones in central Melbourne.

The Traveller, Vol. VIII, No. 8, January, 1896

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Some Guys Have All The Luck

Some Guys Have All The Luck (Explicit) en Yahoo! Video

So 80s, and weird with Rene Magritte inspired Surrealism.

Tilt shift photography

Listening to: Some Guys have all the Luck by Robert Palmer

A while back I read on Bioephemera about tilt shift photography and recently Jessica posted about it as well. To be honest I didn't bother to understand the technology behind it - or why it's called tilt shift - since I was blown away by how damn cute it is! In short, you apply a filtering system to an image to make it look like it's a photograph of a model/miniature. It's something that prior to the digital age you could only do with specialised camera equipment.

Here is my best result using the online Tilt Shift Maker.
Colosseum, Rome. (originally taken in 2007)

On the site there is a good explanation about the technology, what you are simulating, and tips for making your own images.

Colours are enhanced and depth of field is reduced via adjustable sliders. Landscapes with a raised viewpoint- though not necessarily landscape format - seem to work best with the online simulator which is limited to horizontal alterations. It's surprisingly challenging to choose the right image to apply such a filter to convincingly. ie so it actually looks like a model and not a bad, digitally altered image.

Seriously cute

Cross-posted to Overheard in Melbourne on LJ

Waiting in line at Target I look behind me and see a 2 or 3 year old sitting in his stroller holding a small square, pink toy to his ear like a mobile phone. He is nodding with a VERY SERIOUS look on his face, 'Yes' he a few times says quietly sounding concerned. 'Yes, I know', 'Hmmm'. So cute!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Paul Compton's Tender Things at Hand Held Gallery

Listening to: Bones, by The Killers, from Sam's Town

This afternoon I visited the relatively new (less than a year old) Hand Held Gallery in the city. It's an unexpected, small but well utilised space that's thoughtfully presented. The focus is on art that is small enough to hold in your hand. The staff are very friendly. There is a shop section of art for sale, a little bit like a mini version of what Craft Victoria does in a fraction of the space.

The current exhibition of Melbourne artist and writer, Paul Compton's book format zines and water colours was a delight to behold. Take the time to pop on the white cotton gloves and enjoy every page of his zines/'mooks' Fallacies on Parade and Everyday Tragedies. Compton's sense of humour is deliciously black. His artistic technique is perfectly matched to his prose.

Everyday Tragedies
reminded me a little bit of Tim Burton's The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy through its small format, fine pen and brush work, look at morbity and social acceptance, and dark humour. This is not to say it's derivative at all. Rather, that if you enjoyed that you should enjoy this! Compton's prose is elegant and his art has a muted colour scheme, while Burton's poetry is more singsong with a loose drawing style, occasionally highlighted by acid bright colours.

Highly recommended. Seek this gallery out, it's worth it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Universe or The Wonders of Creation, by F.A. Pouchet

Listening to: Watching the World, by Primary, from Watching the World

The Universe or The Wonders of Creation; the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little. By F.A. Pouchet, M.D.*, 7th edition, pub. H. Hallet and Company, copyright 1882...
This weighty tome contains 270, fine wood engravings in total. Here are some of my favourites ie. the most weird,
scanned in grey scale for clarity.

55. Head and Jaws of the Willow-Eating Caterpillar. From Lyonet's Anatomical Treatise.

189. Gigantic Lycoperdon, or Puff-Ball, Lycoperdon giganteum (Batsch), of one night's growth. From nature.

221. Gnomes of the German Legends laying bare the Skeleton of an Ichthyosaurus.

None of the accompanying text refers to this illustration so I found its inclusion rather odd!

221. detail

155. Labyrinthine Cavity, or Water Reservoir, of the Anabas

To follow soon: a quaint, partial transcription from this book entitled 'The Nuptials of Plants'

*'Corresponding member of the Institute of France and The Royal Institute of Italy; Director of the Museum of Natural History at Rouen; Officer of the Legion of Honor [sic], etc.'

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Beci Orpin

Listening to: Fearless, by The Bravery, from self-titled.

This artwork by Melbourne artist Beci Orpin appeared in The Age, Sunday Life (?) magazine a few months ago, as part of The Travel Issue. I like the soft colour palette and the sweetly retro clip art. Her website was a pleasure to visit: full of a nostalgic, vintage style, graphic design and art. I have admired her delightful cut paper work at Outre gallery and didn't realise one of my favourite t-shirts (by Genki, red, with 'I love dancing' on it) is by her.

Monday, May 04, 2009

JAW Cooper, Illustrator

Listening to: No You Girls, by Franz Ferdinand, from Tonight

Via Phantasmaphile blog, JAW (aka Jessica A.W.) Cooper's gorgeous illustration and design folio
I like how some of her art is inspired by science - something I relate to - then taken to a fantastic yet logical conclusion, the creature design, the grace and beauty of her animal study sketches, the overall amazing drawing skills, and the slightly Japanese style of some of her work. While I can certainly draw to save myself, I wish I could draw like her!

It's carbon dioxide not happiness, you git!

The first time I saw this months ago, I had a rant to whoever was in ear shot. I seldom have cola except on tap. I got a free bottle yesterday with my lunch and I still feel ranty.

Perhaps this is why the world is heating up and politicians aren't taking it seriously and taking action:

detail from current label of Coke.

They think all that carbon dioxide building up in our atmosphere is HAPPINESS. Tonnes and tonnes of happiness.
[drips with sarcasm and makes quotey fingers]:
Yes the world needs more of this 'happiness'.
Deity on a bike, it's carbon dioxide not happiness you gits at Coca Cola!!!
[rolls eyes ]
Okay I feel a tiny bit better :P