Thursday, April 10, 2008

Kukuxumusu stationery

Long time readers of this blog may recall my adoration of the Spanish Kukuxumusu brand. It means 'kiss of the flea' in Basque, and is pronounced Coo-coo-choo-moo-soo.

A couple of days ago I discovered a store near me that stocks Kukuxumusu stationery (more instore), and a lot of it was on sale. I was stoked and have since bought 7 items, some for a gift but mostly for ME! Whee :D

Don't have a credit card, not in Spain, not in Melbourne, and don't have anywhere near you that sells it, but want something Kukuxumusu? Visit their website and choose from a wide range of free downloads including screen savers, a desktop theme and lots of nifty wallpaper.

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