Inspired by my ex, who also has a blog with this fine website, I decided to create my own. I thought I'd try something I haven't done before.
At the moment I'm ticked off that the weather was so crap yesterday and it's just fine today. I missed out playing soccer last week because of the bad weather. So 2 weeks in a row and I might have to work next Saturday afternoon. I hope it rains if I do, so that everyone misses out ;P
I've been playing soccer for over a year. My skills have grown and I can be quite a good striker, goal keeper and hustler. I try not to stick to one thing to keep the other team guessing. My tactics involve hustling the ball from key players, and observing play patterns to take advantage of them.
So I finished painting coconut shells instead. We've been doing this for years in my family. We hang them up in the garden. At this house we hang them on the fence outside the kitchen window. The two I did yesterday are Ludo and Astro Boy. Ludo is a cuddly, big, brown, horned, hairy creature from one of my favourite films 'Labyrinth' with David Bowie.